In Christendom no one ever wants to admit they are not the eternal optimist. After all if one had so much as a negative thought we might not even really be saved (read the dripping sarcasm here). I think we have sometimes embraced so much humanism and the power of positivity into our Christianity that we have lost touch with the reality of Christ. I, am a pessimist. Most pessimists believe the glass is half empty, I believe the glass is half empty and it has a leak.
I also believe God made me this way. God gave me this personality. Can we just be real for a moment. Do you ever think negatively? Is your glass half empty? How are we to find joy as Christians if we are a pessimist? James said “count it all joy when you face various trials” sounds like a glass half empty moment, certainly at a minimum not a very positive moment anyway. Peter said rejoice when you suffer fiery trials for in it when Christ is glorified in you, you will be glad with exceeding Joy. Fiery trial. Nope I can’t seem to find the positivity to wax verbose about that one either. I think the glass may be half empty and be leaking too.
We just dont have a grid for suffering. We have been taught its not faith if you acknowledge negativity or pessimism. Seems the word of God relates pessimism, suffering, trials and even negative difficult situations and a profound joy.
I know for me I have found the key to joy in the midst of difficulties. Nehemiah said that the joy of the Lord was his strength, Isaiah said that you would go out with joy and be lead forth with peace. But how. How can you have joy.
Jesus quoted the prophet Isaiah when He declared that “my house shall be a house of prayer” but there is more to the passage from which Jesus quotes: the prophet Isaiah declares God will make them (us) joyful in His house of prayer. Make us joyful in prayer. There is the key I have not only learned, I have experienced. Joyfullness in the midst of stuff is found in the place of prayer. It is out of that relational communion that God makes us experience joy.
So call me the joy filled pessimist. You can be too. You can have joy in youre life too. You’ll find it in the place of prayer.