We live in a world today that many in previous generations can’t recognize, and current generations can’t navigate. A world of compromise and confusion. A world where God’s standard is often mocked by one
group, marginalized or justified away by yet another, leaving only a small remnant who stands for holiness.
We as a Christian people group stand divided. I know people whom claim Christianity and yet will adamantly defend abortion as acceptable, while others who claim the same Christ decry the horrors of abortion as the new holocaust we face today that must be stopped. We have whole denominations who claim Christianity who stand for same sex marriage and others who decry same sex relationships as sin. Gender identity confusion and demands to accept the self identity of a person by how they feel instead of how God made them. Not so close to the forefront we have people whom claim Christianity yet live in cohabitation with their boyfriend/girlfriend as acceptable to Christ and not to be questioned. And we dare not talk about choices in music, movies, TV shows and the content therein, nor the games we plan for entertainment.
I remember growing up the standard was holiness, and I remember much of my own rebellion against it. I remember no movies or TV rated above PG, I remember my parents getting up and marching our whole family out of a theater mid movie because of what now would be considered a non issue of implied sexual activity. Today, our TV commercials would have garnered a walk out response from my parents. It was unpopular and embarrassing to me because the culture I was immersed in (school, sports etc) did not accept it. Everyone had seen “such and such” movie except me because my parents were fuddy-duddies. Popular music I couldn’t sing along to with my friends because it wasn’t allowed in our home. I
remember getting my mouth washed out with a bar of soap if any foul language or disrespect came forth from it at home and yet using profanity in other spheres was considered normal, and even expected. If you didn’t drop the occasional F-Bomb, especially when angry or upset you weren’t normal. Many Millennial’s today see no issue what-so-ever with using language considered profane, foul or cuss words to older generations, all the while pursuing Christ and a life of holiness. Perception seems to be key. Perception is a lens through which we all view both culture and Biblical Holiness.
As parents, navigating this one dynamic of our lives, households and faith of our children; Holiness is pivotal to how they will relate to God into adulthood.
In Hebrews 12 Paul exhorts us believers to pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. Seems like an impossibility in today’s culture, pursuing peace with all people whilst pursuing holiness doesn’t it. Especially when the defining characteristic of peace by some is compromise and acceptance of their lifestyle and behavior. Speaking the truth in love is seems impossible when so many people believe that to love me you must agree with me. Peace only through acceptance.
Speaking the truth in love is seems impossible when so many people believe that to love me you must agree with me. Share on XHow does one lead our families when the culture and faith of many stands polar opposite of holiness? David Kinnaman, President of Barna Research puts it this way: “To start, we must pass on resilient faith to Christian young people… Cultivating deep, steady, resilient Christian conviction is difficult in a world of ‘you do you’ and ‘don’t criticize anyone’s life choices’ and emotivism, the feelings-first priority that our culture makes a way of life. As much as ever, evangelism isn’t just about saving the unsaved, but reminding ourselves that this stuff matters, that the Bible is trustworthy and that Jesus changes everything.” (Source) This “don’t criticize anyone’s life choices” attitude is pervasive in Christianity as well as the world. I can tell you this sad truth in our Christian culture, take on an opposing view of anything others find acceptable and you will be judged and crucified for it. Even from a Joshua 24 framework: You choose for yourself this day whom you will serve, But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
John Bevere talks about the this verse in Hebrews 12 this way: “Hebrews 12:14 makes this clear when it urges us to “pursue…holiness, without which no one will see the Lord” (NKJV). It couldn’t be stated more clearly: pursuing holiness is about seeing (or intimately knowing) God.” He goes on to say “The word translated pursue in this verse means “to do something with intense effort and with definite purpose or goal.” Notice the two elements of pursuit: intense effort and a definite goal. Our goal is to be in God’s presence. We go after that goal by pursuing holiness through the empowerment of God’s grace.” (Source)
So today as we start down a journey of pursuit towards holiness in our homes. Lets make this the key focus: Pursuit of His presence in our homes. Holiness then is me removing anything that hinders or impedes our home abiding in His presence. I long for revival, I believe revival must start in the home, I pursue not a visitation of His presence in our home, but a habitation.
Join me in this journey next week as we discuss what holiness is not (Legalism).